Monday 23 November 2015

Fukushima Radiation carried by the Pacific Ocean hits western coast. Cancerous Tumors had been found in marine life in the area.

[Something I would like to share]

Fukushima Radiation carried by the Pacific Ocean hits western coast. Cancerous Tumors had been found in marine life in the area.

In March 11 2011, a massive earthquake and tsunami (2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami) had damaged the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, resulting in three reactors melting down and four exploded, causing radioactive elements to be released into the environment around it.

This created a problem that the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) didn’t tell anyone about until a full YEAR after the disaster took place: ground water, flowing from inland, was seeping beneath the blown-up reactors, coming into contact with the melted-down reactor cores, becoming highly radioactive, then flowing into the Pacific Ocean. 300 tons of this radioactive water has been seeping into the Pacific Ocean EVERY DAY since March 15, 2011. Nothing has stopped it and the flow continues to this very day, October 31, 2015.
As of June 2015, the radiation had reached the Western Pacific coast. The marine life around that area had been found to be loaded with Cesium-137 and Strontium-90 isotopes. Some of these marine life were found to contain cancerous tumors that could be resulted from the radiation exposure. Cesium-137 and Strontium-90 elements are radioactive and may end up in human bones once consumed as our bodies could use them as if they are calcium, which leads to bone cancers and blood cancers like Lukemia.

This post was inspired by the article that was recently shared on David Wolfie Webpage. If you are interested check out the article link below.

You’re Eating Fukushima Radiation; Bloody Cancerous Tumors in Fish & Seafood -
Fukushima radiation is finding it's way into seafood and other sea life.
Fish is… | By David Wolfe

Or you can watch the video from Vancouver Aquarium in Canada talking about the Radiation and its impact on the pacific ocean (Featured on the webpage linked above as well).

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