Wednesday 14 December 2016

Teacher in Aleppo shares a harrowing "last call" video as government forces take control of the city

A Syrian English teacher on the run from pro-Assad forces has posted what he described as his "last" message from a besieged rebel-held neighbourhood in east Aleppo.
The shaky mobile phone footage shows Abdulkafi al-Hamdo sheltering behind a stone wall as he airs his "final" thoughts while "massacres" unfold before its eyes. 1
In the message he sighed, "Don't believe anymore in the United Nations, don't believe anymore in the International Community." He describes them as being "satisfied that we are bring killed". On ending the video he had pleaded that "We wanted freedom. We didn't want anything else but freedom." and sighs as their end seems inevitable.


1 Zitout. (2016, December 13). VIDEO: 'We only wanted freedom' says Aleppo teacher in 'last message' Retrieved December 14, 2016, from
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