Thursday 26 December 2019

Tell me the story of Christmas - Peter Combe

Tell me the story of Christmas - Peter Combe


Tell me the story of Christmas
Tell me the story of Christmas
Tell me the story of Christmas
What would you like to know -- to know
To know -- to know -- to know.

What did the three wise men bring
What did the three wise men bring
What did the three wise men bring
Gold frankincense and myrrh -- to him
And myrrh -- to him -- and myrrh.

Why were the shepherds afraid so
Why were the shepherds afraid so
Why were the shepherds afraid so
An angel came and spoke -- to them
And spoke -- to them -- to them.

What did the angel tell them
What did the angel tell them
What did the angel tell them
To you is born this day -- this day
This day -- this day -- this day.

Born in the city of David
Born in the city of David
Born in the city of David
A Saviour who is Christ the Lord
Is Christ the Lord -- let's sing

Glory to God in the highest
Glory to God in the highest
Glory to God in the highest
And peace on earth goodwill to men
Goodwill to men -- goodwill.

That is the story of Christmas
That is the story of Christmas
That is the story of Christmas
That's all you need to know
To know -- to know.

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