Friday 20 March 2020

The history of Coraline characters

Coraline: The History of Coraline Jones | Horror History

Coraline Jones is the brave young girl who valiantly took on the evil known as The Other Mother (also known as The Beldam) and saved her parents from being eternally trapped in the world of the Other. In this video I'll be going through the entire chronological life of Coraline Jones and be doing a complete breakdown and analysis of the character. I'll also do some comparisons between the book and the movie.

This will cover the entire known history of Coraline from her messed up origins to the end of her adventure in the 2002 novella by Neil Gaiman. Please note that this will only analyse her character as it is written in the book. I will show clips from the 2009 movie as a visual aid, but for the purposes of Horror History, the books are canon!

Coraline: The History of The Beldam | Horror History

The Beldam, also known as The Other Mother was an evil entity whose history extends hundreds of years into the past of a particular house and the alternate world that connects to it. In the movie, this area is known as The Pink Palace Apartments, but the unnamed location in the book is the darker, more sinister version of the story... as is the creature herself.

The story of The Beldam is mostly shrouded in mystery, but using the clues left behind by author Neil Gaiman, we can learn more about the past of this terrifying seamstress, her child victims over the course of hundreds of years and some of the abilities, powers and spells she possesses for the purpose of manipulation and control.

We'll also explore her role in The Other World, the origins of The Other Father and other life forms in that world, what the Other Mother's ultimate goal was in the story of Coraline, and a couple of interesting theories about her.

This will cover the entire known history of The Other Mother in Coraline from her messed up origins to the (possible) end of her tyranny in the early 2000s. Please note that this will only analyse her character as it is written in the book. I will show clips from the 2009 movie as a visual aid, but for the purposes of Horror History, the books are canon!

Coraline: The History of Wybie Lovat | Horror History

Wyborn Lovat was a new character that Coraline director Henry Selick added specifically for the movie. He said that he needed someone for Coraline to talk to in the real world. But he and his doppelganger, The Other Wybie, are more than just tools to move the dialogue forward, they are important characters with arcs of their own that contribute to the lore of the Pink Palace Apartments where the story is set.

In this video I'll be exploring the history of Wybie Lovat, the details of his family tree and ancestors, the importance of The Other Wybie and his role in the battle against The Beldam, or The Other Mother. I'll be analysing his character arc as we go along and explaining what he may have gone through when he was off screen.

This will cover the entire known history of Wybie in Coraline from his early family history to the defeat of the Other Mother. Normally in Horror History, I would only use info from the book, but this will be an exception because Wybie isn't in the novella.

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