Wednesday 15 April 2020

Life In Isolation: Inside Singapore's Foreign Worker Dormitories During COVID-19

Life In Isolation: Inside Singapore's Foreign Worker Dormitories During COVID-19

With the growing number of #COVID19 clusters in migrant worker dormitories, 7 dorms as of April 12 have been gazetted as isolation areas under Singapore's Infectious Diseases Act.

On April 5, S11 Dormitory @Punggol and Westlite Toh Guan became the first two dorms where nearly 20,000 residents have been put under a 28- day quarantine. Residents must stay confined to their rooms - leading to boredom for some, and anxiety for others, as #CNAInsider found out by Zooming with several of them over the days.

Their needs are being looked to by an inter-agency task force comprising the Ministry of Health, National Environment Agency, the Singapore Armed Forces, the Home Team, and the Migrant Workers' Centre; and by various welfare groups. More than 630 confirmed coronavirus cases have been linked to dormitary and construction clusters, as of April 11.

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