Sunday 22 November 2020

Peter Combe - Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve


Christmas Eve is here again
Wrap up your Christmas gifts and then
Tomorrow’s the day, ‘morrow’s the day
Tomorrow is Christmas Day.

Christmas Eve and time for bed
Don’t want to be a sleepy head
I really should go, really should go
I really should go to bed (echo)


I wake up very early in the morning (morning)
When everyone is still asleep and snoring (snoring)
I tip-toe back to bed, you know what they have said
“Don’t wake us up too early in the morning (morning)”.

Christmas Eve it’s half past one
Must get some sleep before the sun
Rises again, rises again
Before the sun rises again (echo)


Christmas Eve is here again
Wrap up your Christmas gifts and then
Tomorrow’s the day, ‘morrow’s the day
Tomorrow is Christmas Day.

La la la la la la la la etc


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