Friday 30 April 2021

How Trump Lost Control Of The Coronavirus Pandemic, Told As A Motion Comic

How Trump Lost Control Of The Coronavirus Pandemic, Told As A Motion Comic

The United States has recorded over 200,000 deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic. Months of an uncontained coronavirus pandemic have left the US in far worse shape than other countries, like South Korea. President Donald Trump tested positive for coronavirus on October 2, 2020.

The US practically invented the playbook of how to confront pandemics. Presidents — like George W. Bush and Barack Obama — worked to ensure that if a pandemic came, there would be an effective plan to respond. Yet while other countries used that playbook, and succeeded in doing what was necessary to get the coronavirus under control, the Trump administration threw out the plan.

To help Americans understand precisely what went wrong, Insider hired the comics creators Anthony Del Col and Josh Adams to depict the Trump administration's course of action that put America into this position.

Editor's note: The first person officially diagnosed with coronavirus in South Korea was a 35-year-old Chinese woman, not a South Korean woman as stated in the video. Insider regrets the error.

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