Wednesday 29 December 2021

What Everyone Thinks When They Text And Drive

What Everyone Thinks When They Text And Drive


Over 1.6 million car crashes occur
Because of texting and driving each year
Or using your Facebook or checking your email or Twitter
Each time a new update appears

It's sad to think that nobody stops
After all of the damage it's done to mankind
And when I think of the articles and studies I've read
There's only one thought that goes through my mind

That won't happen to me
Oh no, sir, not I
I yell at my buddies 'cause I've seen all the studies
And sometimes, people die
That won't happen to me
No, not to this guy
I hate it, although I've got to keep in the know
So, I'm probably gonna reply

I drive really carefully
I always look out for other cars
In my blind spots and mirrors
I make sure all pedestrians have plenty of room
Plus I've been driving for years

But when I hear a vibration
It's a real struggle
Not to check my phone every five
Is it wrong when my friend lost her cell phone last week
I asked her what she'd do on her drives

That won't happen to me
No, it sounds like a flaw
I try to act like I'm better, a real trend setter
But I'm totally breaking the law
That won't happen to me
The conclusion's been drawn
No, it might drive you ballistic
When I hear the statistics
I say la la la la la la la la la la

It's so boring to be in a fast metal box
In between other fast metal boxes
I need something exciting
And my phone's so inviting
It will help me from getting exhausted ♫

[Car crash]

See that? That could've been you.
It's super dangerous.
Whatever. That won't happen to me.

That won't happen to me
That won't happen to me
That only happens to others
Their sisters and brothers
Although, you might disagree
That won't happen to me

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